In Satnica, Croatia, exploration was very difficult because it is near a river. Due to this proximity, we searched for a water resource in clay to avoid contamination from the river, and we successfully achieved it.
To demonstrate our ability to identify uncontaminated groundwater resources in challenging environments—specifically, locating water within clay layers near a river to prevent contamination.
In this case, high-pressure testing was not used, so the water extraction levels match our predictions.
Water Flow: 55 Liters per minute – 14,53 Gallons per minute
Depth: 49 meters – 160,76 feet
Obstacle: There will be no obstacles while drilling.
Water oscillations: There will be no fluctuations during the summer, ensuring a consistent minimum flow of 50 L/m. This reliable water source will not dry up even in the hottest months.
Water quality: The water is drinkable and doesn’t require any filtration.
Water Flow: Mesured at 55 L/m
Depth: 49 meters – 160,76 feet
Obstacle: There was no obstacles while drilling.
Water oscillations: In hot summer days well producing 50 L/m of water.
Water quality: The water is drinkable.