In Osijek, Croatia, drillers were certain there was no water in the area. Before drilling, we informed them that there would be an obstacle and that it would be wood. Initially, they did not believe our prediction, but after drilling, they confirmed that everything was exactly as we had said.
To prove the precision of our technology in detecting both water resources and unexpected subsurface obstacles—such as wood.
In this case, high-pressure testing was not used, so the water extraction levels match our predictions.
Water Flow: 67 Liters per minute – 17,70 Gallons per minute
Depth: 49 meters – 160,76 feet
Obstacle: Obstacle at 28 meters – 91,86 feet
Water oscillations: There will be no fluctuations during the summer, ensuring a consistent minimum flow of 65 L/m. This reliable water source will not dry up even in the hottest months.
Water quality: The water is drinkable and doesn’t require any filtration.
Water Flow: Measured at 67 L/m
Depth: 49 meters – 160,76 feet
Obstacle: Obstacle at 28 meters – 91,86 feet was wood, identified as a buried tree trunk by the driller.
Water oscillations: In hot summer days well producing 65 L/m of water.
Water quality: The water is drinkable.